Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Daily Routine

It's still all Jane all the time around here. I was hoping to post something different this time (a new recipe, an ambitious new photo essay :-), or at least a witty joke) but it seems that we have developed quite a daily routine that is not conducive to trying out new dishes in the kitchen, flitting off to weird locations to shoot photos, or even reading the funny pages. That is not the say we aren't having fun. As you can see from the pictures below, our days are full of laughter and sweetness.

Jane wakes up with an extremely cheery disposition almost every day.

Following her first breakfast of the day, Jane usually watches some music videos and youtube clips while Mom and Dad drink their coffee.

Mid morning finds her surveying her toys.

Then it is time for some splish splashing in the tub.


In the afternoon we check out the front yard and listen to the big kids playing next door,

then if we are feeling snuggly we curl up in the hammock and look up at the trees.

In the evening Jane likes to play games with her reflection before going to bed.

Not a bad day.