Friday, November 26, 2010


Jane was snazzy zookeeper/Jane Goodall/Higgins (from Magnum P.I.) for Halloween this year.

Lovely picture of Jane Goodall.

Magnum and Higgins with "the lads."

Day Hike

A few weeks ago we took a lovely hike on the Vulcan Mountain Preserve near Julian. Jane had done a couple small hikes while in Mariposa last spring and I was anxious to see how she would do on more substantial hike. I thought I had timed it so she would sleep on the ride up there, but she didn't so she was good and tired when we arrived and crashed as soon we started up the I got a good workout! Even though I was carrying 30 extra pounds, it was great to be in the mountains and hiking for an afternoon.

Jane woke up right as we got back to the car. Fortunately there was an apple tree next to the car so we had some fun showing Jane how apples grow and then poaching a few.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Visits to Nanny and Papa's and Phoebe's

Nanny and Papa recently moved from Mariposa to Escondido and while we will miss seeing them when we are up in Mariposa, we are thrilled to have them closer to us. Jane and I visited them one rainy Sunday afternoon while Chris was at the farmer's market. Auntie Marcy was able to join us, which made the afternoon even more memorable. Jane was thrilled because Papa can read a story like it's nobody's business and Nanny made bacon (and Jane ate five strips!)

Papa reads Jane, Little Bear, while Nanny and Auntie Marcy look on.

We also were able to visit Chris' grandma, Phoebe, who is such a wonderful and talented lady. I always enjoy spending time with her. Phoebe is an amazing artist who has gifted us with so many beautiful paintings which we treasure and display proudly on our walls at home.

Jane took this picture of Phoebe, and I think it turned out pretty well.

Phoebe also has a rad set of stairs in her house on which Jane executed many stunts and daring feats.

Pumpkin Palooza at Suzie's

In October, Chris' band, the Mundy Knights, played a gig at the farm. It was a treat for us because I didn't have to get a sitter and Jane got to see Chris play for the first time. As the photos show, she was pretty impressed.

But before the show there were cookies,

and dancing,

and some coloring.

Rob and Aaron, doing a quick sound check.

The Mundy Knights -- Rob Logic, Chris, JT, Poe, and Aaron

Whoa wait a sec, is that Dad?

Jane -- curious to see how close she can get...

pretty darn close to the band.

Hey Dad, you busy? Can I play?

After Chris' set, he accompanied Taylor on drums as she delighted everyone with a wonderfully reading of a Langston Hughes poem.


We got Jane a passport for our trip to Washington because we had hope to take a side trip into Canada...unfortunately, my passport renewal didn't come in time for that trip. But by September we all had our passports and we decided that it was high time Jane traveled least for the afternoon. So off to Tecate we went. Chris and I love Tecate, it's always been a special place for us. Even though we have traveled all over Mexico, Tecate remains one of our favorite towns in Mexico. There is nothing better than sitting in the shaded plaza with a taco and a locally brewed Tecate (the Tecate brewery is right in the middle of town and the malt and grains being brewed smell delicious). It is the my favorite day trip from San Diego and we were really excited to take Jane to our favorite restaurant (La Placita), let her play in the plaza, and have her experience the strolling mariachis.

Late Summer

In addition to celebrating my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary, visiting with family, and just enjoying summer, this September I got a job with the Museum of Photographic Arts (MoPA), For the past year I had been working as a contract educator for the Museum, teaching a variety of photography classes for their youth programs, but I have happily come on board as a staff member now in the Education Department. I am leading MoPAss 5th grade School in the Park program ( and I am helping develop, coordinate, and teach the Museum's senior programs. I am now three months into the job and I couldn't be more thrilled about it.

Work stuff aside, here are some pictures from the later part of summer. Starting with a lovely sunset walk at Sunset Cliffs during a super low tide -- perfect late summer/early fall outing.

Lovely VV

Chris, Jane, VV, and Pop enjoying some time together.

Pop and Jane scope out the nursery while Chris researches sheet mulching options for our "garden".

This nursery is has swings. Actually, the nursery, City Farmers Nursery, is really awesome, if you are in San Diego and into gardening, etc., check it out, (

Cuddling with VV at Chris' birthday BBQ.

Morning snuggle and story.

Playdate with Dylan. These two couldn't be any cuter together. Things keep getting more fun!

D-Man and P-Bass kickin' it


Cozy with VV and Pop

For his birthday I gave Chris a brew kit and he has been brewing up a storm since then. We are still waiting on the early batches, but I am totally stoked to enjoy all the brewskies he's got stored away...hopefully by Christmas. Here is his first batch bubbling away in the carboy.