Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 2009 Wrap-Up

Jane and I discuss the best way to wear a bandana.

Street Scene, San Diego's big music festival, was this weekend. Some of Chris' friends from college have formed a band, Band of Horses, and have made a bit of a name for themselves in certain music circles. Band of Horses played at Street Scene and we were able to visit with Chris' old friends and get backstage passes. Below, Chris and Jane hang out with Chris' old roommate and BoH drummer Creighton.

Here we all are hanging out backstage while the band played their set.

Jane got accustom to the VIP treatment..."no more pictures, please."

Here's sweet little Jane sitting pretty over at her grandparents' house. She is wearing a dress that my mother made me for my first birthday.

Frozen bagel = favorite teething toy

Reading a magazine in the buff on a hot summer day... it doesn't get any better than this.

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

Jane loves to watch little video segments and slide shows of my friend's little girl Sabine.

Here are some other cute video clips of Jane.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dog Days of Summer

As summer wears on things are starting to get a little weird around here....

To pass time, Chris introduces Jane to a classic, Point Break.

And Meme came to visit us. Meme and Jane had lots of fun playing, going to the zoo, and swinging in the park. And I got to take a few lovely naps.

We are thinking about taking this act on the road.

Having settled on her costume, Jane works on her new stage persona...

The clean (half-way folded) laundry/toy explosion...something I swore would never happen in my house.

Party Gnome

Got my sippy cup...

and my foot.

Nanny and Papa were down in San Diego, so we got to spend an afternoon with them. That was good fun for everyone.