Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Camping trip to the Eastern Sierras -- Mono Lake

Upon our return from Mexico we moved into a little cottage in North Park/City Heights and pretty much picked up where we left off (Chris started editing again and Cara went back her DoN tech-writing gig as well as volunteering again with the AjA project, www.ajaproject.org), yet a sea change was upon us. Chris began editing on a freelance basis, allowing him to work from home, and Cara started taking linguistics classes in order to become a certified ESL teacher. Additionally Cara picked up an extra job with the San Diego Co. Youth Council.

Probably the biggest news of the year came in the summer. In June we trotted ourselves down to the courthouse and quietly got married and soon after announced we were expecting a baby in January! Our parents rejoiced!!!!

Our first picture of the baby

In October Cara quit the tech-writing position and started doing freelance editing from home while finishing up her ESL certificate. And in November Chris and an old friend escaped to Baja for one final surf trip before the baby's arrival. By December we were stuck at home and counting the days until the baby's arrival...

Chris surfing at "The Wall"


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